Seeds now available online at Jolly Pond Farmacy  Follow our intsagram @JollyPondFarm for the latest news on upcoming projects and drops.

List of Retailers that Currently Stock our seeds

Token Rhyme Gardening

6725 Lake Harbour Dr

Midlothian, VA 23112


IG:  @tokenrhymegardening

Homegrown VA

1704 Arlington Rr.

Richmond, VA 23230


IG: @homegrown_va

Tidewater High Grow

7441 Tidewater Dr.

Norfolk, VA 23505

IG:  tidewaterhighgrow

Heart of VA Hydro

1811 W 3rd st

Farmville, VA 23901

IG: @heartvahydro

Western Mass Hydroponics

1760 Boston Rd.

Springfield, MA 01129

IG:  @wmhydro

Gardening Indoor

9215 Market St.

North Lima, OH 44452


We offer wholesale seeds for retail vendors.

If you would like more info, please contact us…

Mike Grady

Sales and Marketing


Our Seeds:

Garlic Grove Coming July 2024

{GMO(Garlic Cookies) X Legend Orange Apricot F2}

Feminized Seed, 3+ per pack, Sativa, 2024, Photoperiod, 85+- days

Total Terps 4.2%, Total THC 26.91%

3rd place Greenhouse Flower at 2023 Sungrown Competition in Muskegon, MI

3rd place Outdoor flower at February Fire 2023

a-pinene 0.13%, b-pinene 0.24%, myrcene 0.67%, a-terpinene 0.07%, limonene 0.34%, ocimene 0.03%, y-terpinolene 1.76%, a-humulene 0.28%, b-caryophylene 0.67%.

Garlic Grove Fem Pollen donor crossed too…

  1. Blue Ridge OG 2. White Marmalade 3. Limetta Marmalade 4. Jokerz 5. Afghan Grove 79 6. Afghan Grove 77 7. Falooda 8. Blueberry Muffin 9. F2 White Afghani 10. Lemon Cherry Gelato 11.  Sour D X Pure Michigan

Blue Ridge OG Coming Fall 2024

{White Afghani X Tahoe OG Kush}

Feminized Seed, 3+ per pack, Indica, 2024, Photoperiod, 68 days

Best Outdoor Flower Winner at February Fire 2023

Total Terps 3.5%, Total THC 25%

a-pinene 0.12%, b-pinene 0.23%, myrcene 0.34%, a-terpinene 0.06%, limonene 0.34%, ocimene 0.36%, y-terpinolene 0.07%, a-humulene 0.20%, b-caryophylene 0.61%, terpinolene 1.17%

Limetta Marmalade Fem Pollen Donor

{Cotton Candy Kush / Mimosa} X {Koffe Cake / SkyCuddle Kush F3}

Feminized Seed, 3+ per pack, Sativa, 2023, Photoperiod, 75 days

1. Blue Marmalade 2. VAGhan Marmalade 3. Acapulco Marmalade 4. Zion’s Marmalade 5. Mad Dog Marmalade 6. Freya’s Marmalade 7. White Marmalade 8. Snarf’s Marmalade 9. Violet’s Marmalade 10. S1 Limetta Marmalade 11.Wilsons Marmalade 12. Black Marmalade 13. Ancestral Marmalade 14. Choka Cake Marmalade 15. Peanut Pie Marmalade 16. Chiroptera Marmalade 17. Twreck Marmalade 18. Columbian Marmalade 19. Jokerz Marmalade 20. Imperial Marmalade 21. Washout Marmalade 22. White marmalde BC

S1 White Afghani

{The White X OMG} X {Blackberry OG / Royal Kush #7}

Feminized Seed, 3+ per pack, Indica, 2021, 65 days, photoperiod

Award Winner at @februaryfireva 2023 grown by @kodas_glam_grows226 “Best Women Grower” who used our S1 White Afghani Seed.

We hunted White Afghani reg seed we got from @landrace_bureau

We selected 3 phenos, we ran those phenos across 20 flower cycles in every scenario, in/out/plastic/full term/stressed/late fall Oct planting etc. We tested for cannabinoids and terps on all. We made our selection to pheno 3A after all that testing because it crushed outdoor growing, was the loudest, tested the highest, peoples favorite. We then reversed that cut to create S1 seed and cross that cut onto other things. We now have people hunting those seed crosses, selections have been made, tester cuts are being ran and the cycle will continue to push. We also have taken white afghani reg seed to F3 made selections on the females with intent to deeply select a male this coming year to take to F4 then at some point we will rework a WA line using all the selections from F1 to F5 in reg and fem runs.

Feminized Seed, 3+ per pack, 2021, Indica, 65 days, Photoperiod

CBGA: 1.58% THA: 26.6%     CBN: .210% Terpinolene: 0.701% Pinene:            .087% Beta-Myrcene: 0.273 Limonene: .102%, beta-Caryophyllene: 0.634 Humulene: .25%

Total Cannabinoids: 29.4% Total TH: 24.2% Total Terpenes: 2.05%

S1 Jokerz and Crosses

(White Runtz X Jet Fuel Gelato) compound genetics

Feminized Seed, 3+ per pack, Hybrid, 2022, 70 to 75 days, 25% THC

Wild Blue (Animal Style X Jokerz) Won 1st place Greenhouse Flower at the 2023 Sungrown Competition in Muskegon, MI

1. S1 Jokerz 2. Chem Fuego 3. F1 White Afghani 4. F2 White Afghani 5. Hawaiian Staycation 6. Zion Train 7. GMO Rootbeer 8. Mikado 9. GMO 10. Pulsar 11. BC. Kush 12. F3 V2 M.A.C. 13. Lemon Cherry Gelato 14. Black Lime Reserve 15. Sour Diesel 16. Choka Cola 17. Animal Style 18. Russel

F3 V2 MAC (n/a): Regular Seed, THC hybrid, Tested at 24% THC, no cbd, originally bred by Capulator, taken to F2 by @guardianofthelostterps and then taken to F3 by @jollypondfarm.  2 short to medium phenos where selected to create the stock using one stocky male.

Chinese My Thai X Wulf: Regular Seed1 to 1, THC to CBD, Tested at 5% each.  50% of the stock will produce purple phenos, plants can get very large reaching up to 14 feet.  Well suited for outdoors and humid climates.  Buds are very airy, and extremely big.  Great resistance to mold and pests.  Pleasant musky / fruity terpene profile.  Great for people who enjoy low THC; focused, alert, clarity, great day time type of effects.

Wulf Cookies CBD

{Autoflower (Gorilla Cookies X Big Sativa)} X Wulf Hemp: Regular Seed, 2 to 1, CBD to THC, tested at 10%CBD, 5%THC, Large tall plants. F1 seed that will produce photoperiod plants but if you take them to F2 you should see 25% autoflower recessive traits show.

S1 {Boax X Cherry Blossom} (Virginia Pond Water):  Feminized Seed, High CBD Hemp, 20% CBD, .4 to .8% THC.  Light purple phenos.  Very late to flower and finish.  Airy buds.  Great for humid climates.  Late October finisher.